About us

Mount Lanakila hopes to become an international hub for competitive Pokemon players. We want to create a small community that will collectively improve their skills, test them in battle and, above all, enjoy the battles. But don’t be fooled! It won’t be that friendly at all! Competition will remain Lanakila’s main theme. Blood will be shed after unlucky misses, tears will flow because of three Charizards in the prizes, and finally the first cries of victory will be heard!

Mount Lanakila

Lanakila is intended to be a long-term project. We plan on hosting a number of tournaments, both large and small. For fun and with prizes. We will focus primarily on TCG and VGC, although there will be some occasional smogon formats at Showdown. For more information, click the buttons below.

Why “Mount Lanakila”?

In essence, we are trying to create something out of nothing, based only on our passion and interests. Similar to Professor Kukui, who in both games and anime, was the initiator of the creation of the first Alolan Pokemon League. We want to take his shoes a bit and, like him, try to interest others in competitive modes in Pokemon productions. The entire site is also maintained in the “Alolan” atmosphere. You will find a lot of allegories to Alola, its Guardian Deities, legends and beliefs.

Stadion Manalo

Lanakila means victory in Hawaiian. So you are at the foot of Victory Mountain. Will you be able to get to the top? ^^